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How to stop procrastinating by using the Fogg Behavior Model Part 2.

How to stop procrastinating by using the Fogg Behavior Model Part 2.

How to focus on work

How to focus on work

How Neil Strauss overcomes perfectionism

How Neil Strauss overcomes perfectionism

The biggest studying mistake that costs you time and good grades

The biggest studying mistake that costs you time and good grades

Why games are so addictive and how we can gamify our lives

Why games are so addictive and how we can gamify our lives

How logging your time for 7 days helps you use it better

How logging your time for 7 days helps you use it better

How gamification improved my productivity

How gamification improved my productivity

How to stop checking your phone

How to Stop Checking Your Phone

Why college is a hotbed of procrastination

Why college is a hotbed of procrastination

The best ways how to reduce your internet use!

The best ways how to reduce your internet use!

6 most common myths about procrastination

6 most common myths about procrastination

4 common blocks to starting on any creative task

4 common blocks to starting on any creative task

Can't focus? Here are 6 techniques to help

Can't focus? Here are 6 techniques to help

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